Halcon LED Troffer Retrofit Kits HG-L249R with Wattage and CCT Select Option for Efficient Lighting Upgrade
Halcon LED Troffer Retrofit Kit HG-L249R with Optional Trim Plates and Wattage CCT Select Feature for Energy-efficient Lighting Upgrade
Halcon LED Troffer Retrofit Kit HG-L249R for quick upgrade to LED technology
Halcon LED Troffer Retrofit Kits HG-L249R for efficient lighting upgrade with optional trim plates
LED Troffer Retrofit Kit HG-L249R with optional trim plate for economical lighting upgrade.
Halcon LED Troffer Retrofit Kit HG-L249R for efficient lighting upgrade with selectable wattage and CCT options.
Halcon LED Troffer Retrofit Kit HG-L249R for upgrading existing lighting fixtures with energy-efficient LED technology.